Trik Internet Gratis XL PC Awal Oktober 2013

Trik Internet Gratis XL PC Awal Oktober 2013
Trik Internet Gratis XL PC Awal Oktober 2013
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
How you doin'? presents the new trik internet from SC XL PC. for special this month (October 2013) I'd like to share about "Trik Internet Gratis XL PC Awal Oktober 2013".

In this trick I'm the alesca blog gonna share Trick Internet Gratis for XL PC the easy trick so it's helpful for newbie. and useful for a Master just like you. so you don't be so bamboozled to learn this easy way. but you just need 10 minutes to get it all. I hope you enjoy stay here and practice it. and here we go.

Download the tools:
  1. Downoad inject from here. from here.
  2. Pasword? Feel free request here.
  3. That's it.
How to use:
  • Extract inject, open, and click Start. done.
  • Mozilla or IDM setting. just use the manual proxy. Proxy Port: 4444. done.
  • Happy internet  browsing and download.
  • Your XL card balanced minimally Rp. 0 pulse.
  • This inject is locked you've gotta know that it just for for safety. Got it?
  • This trick is still working since this time.
  • For Bahasa Indonesia version, please visit

That's all Trik Internet Gratis XL PC Awal Oktober 2013, I hope it helps. Oya, if you don't still understand how to use it, please leave a comment. or let's talk over in my Facebook fanpage of the alesca here and be a member there.

If you find something wrong in this written, I apologize. because I'm an human being either. I'm not good in my English. OK?

Wassalamy'alaikum Wr. Wb.